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Richard Moss, the Maestro of “DEEP WORK,” has given his life over teaching people how to delve deeply into their inner core so they can achieve a life of “Radical Aliveness,” Unconditional Love, and Real Inner Peace.

For 37 years, this globally renowned physician-turned-master healer, international bestselling Hay House author, and workshop leader has been guiding people on profound journeys of self-inquiry and self-discovery that have transformed their relationship with themselves, with their loved ones and with the world.

Moss’ work is centered in helping people achieve present moment awareness—and to clear away the beliefs, habits and thinking patterns that prevent them from living in a hyper-alive, joyful and loving state of being nearly all of the time. In Moss’ bestselling books Inside-Out Healing and The Mandala of Being, he outlines his methodology for achieving this mastery. But while people can do this work on their own, it is often in the workshops, lovingly coached by Moss, that many achieve their most profound transformations.

People seek out Moss for many reasons: resolving or coping with a health crisis; feeling stuck in old patterns; experiencing an emotional malaise; yearning to deepen their life path; seeking to reignite, improve or save a relationship, and desiring to catalyze new creative energy to achieve or accomplish a desired goal.

And what they experience in either the 10-day Radical Aliveness Retreats, the 3 or 4-day Deep Work Workshops or the Couples Deep Work Intensive Programs, is nothing short of seeing the world through new eyes—the eyes of their true selves. And experiencing it with the full embodiment of their feeling sense—and especially their heart.

Interested in changing YOUR life? Learn more and register for one of Richard's programs, including his upcoming Radical Aliveness Retreat in November, by visiting

For more information, please visit

Orient Your Consciousness

It is unwise to sail to sea without a navigation system. Likewise, navigating the intricacies and challenges of life also needs special guidance. For your soul wisdom grows from your consecration. My consecration is to release any thought that closes my heart even in the slightest and to always begin my life right where I am. It is to refuse to allow fear or suffering, even physical pain, to make me self-involved. Consecration is the pole star by which you invent yourself as a spiritually oriented conscious person. But how do you know or discover your consecration? Ask yourself: What…

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Richard Moss

What is Real Wealth?

What is it that I can give to you or you to me that brings each of us pleasure or new insight, that depletes neither of us, and that we can then pass on to others without losing anything of our own? What is it we can give to each other that improves the quality of living for both of us, and does so without exhausting the vital resources of our planet? What is it that cannot be taken from us in the way we can lose a job, our savings, or even a loved one? This is real wealth.…

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